
Showing posts from August, 2023

Gm case 7

  Case scenario..... Hi, this is P.Minnu, 3 rd BDS student. This is an online e-blog book to discuss our patient's health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 38 year old male came with chief complaint of vomiting since 4 days. CHIEF COMPLAINT:  Vomiting since 4 days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was asymptomatic 4 days ago. He had vomiting since 4 days. It is non-projectile type of vomiting. The number of episodes were 6 to 7 times a day. Frequency decreased to 4 to 5 times a day since one day. The vomiting was watery contained food particles. The vomit is not blood tinged. He has no abdomen pain, fever, headache. Since 20 days, he had pain in lower limbs ( right and left) The pain was pricking pain, intermittent. There was no pain while he was working or walking. While on rest pain started again. Since 10 days he quite alcohol and he is on medication. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: 2 years ago, he is diagn

Gm case-6

  Case scenario..... Hi, this is B. Meghana, 3 rd BDS student. This is an online e-blog book to discuss our patient's health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. CASE SHEET: A 56 year old female came with chief complaint of pain in abdomen since 10 days. CHIEF COMPLAINT: pain in abdomen since 10 days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient is asymptomatic 10 days ago. She had fever for 3 days. It is a low grade fever, intermittent and associated with chills. No vomiting, no loose stools, no cough , no cold. weakness since yesterday. On 3 rd day of fever, there was shortness of breathe. Which was insidious, on set and decreased by lying down. Tenderness in abdomen was felt in epigastric and right hypochondrium region. Nausea is present. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: She has no diabetes, no hypertension, CAD, tuberculosis, asthma. FAMILY HISTORY: No similar complaint PERSONAL HISTORY: Occupation: housewife Diet: mixed Appetite: norm